Unit 4 Board Looks Ahead to 2018-2019 Year


(Oblong) – The Oblong Unit 4 Board looked ahead to the 2018-2019 school year at last nights meeting. Jane Attaway was re-appointed as district treasurer for upcoming fiscal year. The board also approved the Superintendent’s Contract effective July 1, 2018. They also passed a resolution to move six thousand dollars interest from the working cash fund to the education fund. The Unit 4 Board looked at student safety for the coming school year, last night. Teachers at the school will undergo ALICE Training in August. ALICE or Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter and Evacuate is the leading training solution that increases the odds of survival during a violent intruder event. Also during last nights meeting the board voted to change the start time for their meetings. The Unit 4 Board Meetings will now begin at 6pm.