RPD Set to Begin Holiday Patrols


(Robinson) – The Robinson Police Department will begin “stepped up” holiday patrols next week. According to Robinson Police Chief, Chad Weaver, with holiday festivities underway the Robinson Police Department will be joining departments statewide for an impaired driving awareness campaign from December 17th through January 3rd. Weaver reminds the public that driving impaired, whether under the influence of alcohol or drugs can have catastrophic consequences and is illegal in every state.

— Before heading to parties designate a sober driver.
— If you are impaired, utilize a rideshare service, cab service, take public transportation, or call a sober friend or family member to get you home safely.
— If you see what appears to be an impaired driver on the road, pull over and call local law enforcement.
— If you are aware someone is about to operate a motor vehicle while impaired, take their keys and help make arrangements to get them to their destination safely.
— As always buckle up.