Less Than 2% of Assault Weapons Have Been Registered Statewide


(Undated) – The Illinois State Police recently released assault weapon registration information for each county in the state. The numbers represent those who have registered their assault weapons under the “Protect Illinois Communities Act.” The report shows every county in the state and how many individuals completed endorsement affidavits as well as the total number of affidavit requests. From October 1st to December 31st of last year in Crawford County, the ISP received two-hundred-seventy-nine affidavit requests and reported only forty-one completed affidavits. There were one-hundred-twenty-six requests from Jasper County and only nineteen were completed. Lawrence County had one-hundred-twenty-five requests and the ISP reports just thirty-three completed affidavits. The ISP says statewide only one point two percent of gun owners have registered any weapons. Find the full county-by-county list below.

ISP Endorsements by County

Assault Weapons