Oblong Math Team Finished in 9th at State


(Undated) – The Oblong Math Team finished 9th during the state competition Saturday. The Algebra II team placed 9th. The Calculus team placed 4th, the Calculator Team placed 3rd, and the orals team placed for the first time since 2012 finishing in 7th. Find the full break down of each team below.

The Algebra II — Rowan & Maggie Bailey, Will Wilson, and Cameron Davis.
The Calculus — Landon Baker, Ethan Dhom, Ava Manuel, and Joey Nichols.
The Calculator — Ethan Dhom, Landon Baker, Will Wilson, Cameron Davis, Conner Pinkston, Hailyn Hays, Jackson Ridlen, and Mylo Bay.
Orals Team — Ava Manuel and Maggie Bailey placed 7th.